Did you know that when we create meaningful goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relatable and time-bound we are more likely to achieve them?


So let’s dive deep into how you can create impactful goals this year and why setting goals can help you to achieve the results you want to see in life.

We put together 4 great tips to get you started…


🙌🏼 Start Big & Broad then get Specific.

Put it down on paper and let your mind go, without judgement or self correction. The more crazy and wild the better, you can always come back and refine the ideas.

Write at least 10-12 big ideas down then pick your top 3.

It could be things like:

  • Master a difficult skill…maybe it’s roller skate dance??

  • Become an inspiration to others.

  • Volunteer some spare time to a charity.

  • Plan an overseas adventure with bare essentials.

  • Double your personal income.

  • Introduce yourself to a stranger every day.


🙌🏼 Only set Goals that bring you Joy.

It sound obvious, but how many times do you set goals that actually make you feel miserable and you end up failing. Your goals should make you happy, so follow your passions and always consider the things that inspire you and make you smile. Be create, we are all creative beings and we feel our best when we are creating. That doesn’t mean we have to be artistic or paint a masterpiece…it could be learning to dance, cooking a new meal, making the perfect coffee, building a veggie garden or writing a new programme.


🙌🏼 Make your Goals Time-Specific.

When we give ourselves deadlines we get more done. Ever heard of the saying, “if you want something done give it to a busy person”?

If we give our goals some limits then we are more inclined to get the work done, otherwise it is just another thing on our ‘To Do List’ that gets shunted down the line and before we know it the year is over and we never achieved what we set out to do. Some give yourself some realistic time restrictions, whether it’s 1 week, or 3 months, it should suit the task at hand.


🙌🏼 Keep Goals Realistic and Achievable.

Start with small bites. If you know your goal is a bit of stretch then think of how you could break it down into to smaller chunks. before you know it you’ve worked your way through a few mini goals and are closer than you though possible to the bigger picture.

So if the Major Goal is running the 2023 Melbourne Marathon, perhaps start with a 5km circuit, then sign up for a few 10km fun runs, when you can achieve that without stopping then you’re on your way to finishing a marathon.


So before the year gets away from you, grab a pen and paper and let your thoughts flow, don’t stop until you’ve filled a page. You’ll be amazed what comes up when you don’t let the thinking mind take over!