Are you familiar with the term “monkey mind’? It refers to that constant chatter going on in the back of your head, most of the time it’s not all helpful, and can at times bring us down. Many of us probably aren’t even aware it’s there, that is, until you try to sit in silence or meditate for a few minutes.

☺️ What cause the Monkey Mind?

The cause of this monkey mind is our natural ability to think about many things at once. Some of us may even brag that we are great at multitasking, however, if we present our minds with many things at once then we are never giving anything our full attention. We are therefore, never truly present. Adults often fail at living in the moment and being mindful of their surroundings because of this. A common outcome is a state of anxiety, when we think too much about the future, and a state of depression, when we dwell too much in the passed. What we are seeking is to be here in the now.

☺️ How do we stop the chatter?

If you conscious of this voice in your head, then half the battle is won.

The next challenge is how to switch it off for a period of time, and achieve a state of mindfulness.

The good news is, it only takes a few deep breathes to return your brain to calmness, by allowing some distance between the anxious thoughts. Give all your attention to your breath. Counting the breath in and out helps too, such as: Breathe in for 4,3,2,1 and Hold, Breathe out for 4,3,2,1, and Hold. Repeat this 5 times or until you feel calm and relaxed.

☺️ Embrace Meditation.

Take it a step further and let your breath work become a seated meditation.

Make it a ritual, whereby you create a comfortable sanctuary, somewhere quiet where you will not be disturbed. Play some gentle music or white noise, light a candle or burn some incense. Close down your eyes and begin your breath work, focussing on a specific count and nothing else. Notice the thoughts that pop into your head but do not dwell on them or become irritated, just simply observe and let them go. Remember you can always come back to all those niggling thoughts later when you’ve finished your meditation.

☺️ Live in the moment.

Easier said than done, and just as easy to forget when you are caught up in your bust routine.

Start by noticing your thoughts, the little things you tell yourself…are they helpful? 

Pay more attention to what is happening around you, notice the details, enjoy every sip of your morning coffee and listen more intently to your friends. A good way of making this change is to start journaling. By putting our thought on pay we become far more aware of what may be causing our stress and anxiety, and once you are aware it is really easy to change it to something more positive.

☺️ Create some mantras.

The next step is changing those negative thoughts into positive ones.

Reciting a mantra is a great way of disrupting the monkey mind. Keep it simple and to the point…

  • I am here, I am happy, I am healthy.

  • Breath in ,breath out, smile.

  • I am enough.

  • I have full control of my life.

  • I love and accept myself.

  • Love and light.