Do you have a regular meditation practice?

It’s worth establishing one for the immense benefits to your mental wellbeing. Don’t be put off by the idea of having to sit cross legged for an hour without moving. That’s not what it is really about, in fact you could do a walking meditation, or a moving meditation, or even a mindfulness practice like colouring-in. All you need to do is find a way that suits you best, we are all different and our needs are different too.

Many people start to meditate to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and to cultivate peace of mind. But there are thousands of scientific studies that document other, lesser known, mindfulness benefits accomplished through regular meditation. The key is to establish a practice that suits you and repeat it often. As little as 10minutes each day will have a profound effect on your state of being.

Here are some of the key benefits of daily meditation:

🙌🏼 Enhanced focus and decision-making

🙌🏼 Reduce our feelings of fear and stress

🙌🏼 Tone down intense emotions that can overwhelm us

🙌🏼 Reduce anxiety and lower our blood pressure

🙌🏼 Increase our innate immunity and over-all health

🙌🏼 Enhance our quality of deep restorative sleep

🙌🏼 Reduce psychological symptoms of depression and pain

🙌🏼 Increase levels of empathy and improve relationships

Clearly the benefits out weigh any excuse you may have come up with to avoid giving yourself 10-20mins of bliss.Like anything, starting out is the hard part, but if you stick to it and commit to 7 days of regular practice you will find it becomes the best part of your day. For many of us the challenge is clearing the mind and the constant chatter with have with ourselves. Pay attention to that voice, be aware of what it is saying. Often it is not particularly helpful or kind. Once you become aware of this voice it is easier to control it and quiet it down for a little while. Don’t be too hard on yourself, the thoughts will keep coming, but the key is to let them come in and let them go.

Sitting in silence can be very challenging, so we would suggest starting out with a guided meditation. 

There are some incredible meditation Apps out there, or You Tubes, and they can help you focus on one thing like your breath.

Here are a few of our favourites:

⭐️ Headspace

⭐️ Calm

⭐️ Buddhify

⭐️ Unplug

⭐️ Simple Habit

Get started… Bliss Out!