Let’s face it, we could all do with some extra brain power, especially when we have multiple tasks to achieve.

Our brain operates on many different levels at any given time, and some parts may be more developed than others, so there’s always room for improvement. Your whole body is depending on your brain so here’s a few life hacks that may help give it a little boost.

Feed it well.

We talk about this a lot, and with good reason.

Nutrition is everything for over-all good health and mental wellness.

Your brain is primarily made up of fats and water, so here are some of our favourite foods to keep your brain it optimal condition.

👉🏼 Olive oil

👉🏼 Omega 3 fatty-acids, found in salmon, mackerel and tuna.

👉🏼Fruits and Vegetable high in Vitamin E, like blueberries, broccoli and spinach

👉🏼Nuts and Seeds high in antioxidants, like walnuts and Brazil nuts.

Avoid sugars and alcohol

Recent studies have shown the detrimental effects of sugar on the brain and it’s relationship to the onset of dementia. That being said, a little sweetness in our life can also give us some joy, moderation is the goal when it comes to sweet treats. Limit them to once a week or special occasions and they will be far more enjoyable.

We all know alcohol is not great for our health, but whether it kills brain cells is debatable. Long term alcohol abuse will be detrimental to brain health and mental illness, so once again…moderation is key. Choose your drinks wisely and savour them with friends on special occasions. The biggest downside will be dehydration, which the brain will tell you about via a thumping big headache the next day!

Try a Bullet Proof Coffee

You may have heard about these, most likely via Instagram or TikTok, and those that drink them will swear by the benefits.

Often combined with Intermittent Fasting, it is designed to give your brain a hit of caffeine for alertness and a nourishing shot of MCT oil for sustained brain function.

Give it a go…

👉🏼 Cup of high quality brewed black coffee

👉🏼 1-2 Tbsp MCT Oil (medium chain triglycerides).

Blend with a stick beater or mini stick frother until the coffee appears creamy.

Sounds weird, maybe even gross, but tastes surprisingly amazing.

Many students swear by it, so don’t be surprised if your mates are already on this health trend.

Exercise for clarity

Get outside and get moving. If you are in a study rut, finding it hard to focus and your memory feels like it is at capacity, then put your books down and head out for a 30 minute walk, jog, basic workout.

Studies show that a simple 30-40 minute workout, preferably one the raises your heart rate, will immediately shift your mood and ability to focus.

It is well known that exercise dramatically reduces feelings of anxiety and stress, which in turn seems frees up more space for your brain to focus on more important things.

So next time you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, exhausted and frustrated…. Make exercise your number one priority.