Some of us need it, many of us avoid it…. But whichever way you look at it we all need to embrace physical movement in our everyday lives. The benefits are well known, and much has been written on the topic, so all the excuses in the world won’t justify prolonged time on the couch!

As our lives become more sedentary, due to work commitments, time spent travelling to and from work, and the ease in which humans can now obtain their daily needs, it is imperative that we add more activity to our daily routine.

Travel back only 100 years and the idea would seem absurd. But most families lived on a farm, working and producing their own food, travelling on foot and carrying heavy loads. With all the advancements in humanity and industry, brought negative health issues, such as weight gain, disease and lack of general mobility.

So knowing all of that, it’s time to get moving! It’s super easy to avoid exercise and convince yourself you actually do quite a bit, but do you?

👉Incidental Exercise.

One way to check in with your incidental exercise is to download a Step Tracker App (StepsApp), if you’re not reaching at least 10,000 steps a day then you need to think about how to get more walking into your day. Public transport is great to cover large distances, but try getting off the tram a few stops earlier, or walk to the train station in the morning, just get those steps in at every opportunity. Take the stairs and avoid the lift, you’ll get more of a cardiovascular workout too. 

👉Get your game face on.

Make exercise more fun and social. Round up some mates and plan a game of frisbee, touch footy, basketball, the list of games is endless. Don’t know the rules? Make your own up, this is meant to be fun and not too serious. The idea is to move more and enjoy every step of it.

👉Train for an event.

Melbourne has sporting events every month, so take your pick from any number of fun runs, marathons, bay swims, or triathlons. Join a group or club, or if you’re one of those amazing self-motivated types then plan your own programme and set some goals. Even if your goal is just to cross the finish line, or if you’re aiming for a podium position, this could be the start of a lifelong passion. Head to and sign up for your ideal challenge.

👉Build your own workout routine.

If going to the gym is not an option then create your own, at home or at the park, and even better with a friend to push each other. Body weight exercises are a great way to build strength and fitness, and there are plenty of free apps with unlimited routines to follow.  It’s well known that simple exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, plank holds, and lunges are some of the most effective for strength, toning and core stability. Here a few simple exercises to get you started-

👉Hit the pool deck.

Got an old injury, or struggling with achy and stiff joints?

Moving is going to be your best way out of pain and stiffness. The best exercise for most people is swimming. It is supportive, yet offers good resistance, and it’s great for cardiovascular health.

In Melbourne we are lucky enough to have a public swimming pools in nearly every suburb. Find your nearest swimming pool via the link below-